HYPOGLYCEMIA: Caused when a pets blood sugar drops significantly below normal levels. Often a reaction to stress, excitement, or over-activity may be the cause. Very common in the small toy breeds. It may be inherited or simply a result of the bodys internal organs developing a little more slowly than normal.
Loss of energy.
Becomes more quiet than normal.
Wobbly, cannot stand.
Semi-comatose or comatose (sleepy).
Subnormal body temperature.
Fainting spells in older dogs, particularly during exercise.
IV Injections of Glucose would use replacement of the blood sugar.
Recovery is usually very rapid.
HOME THERAPY: (when you think an attack is on the verge of happening)
2-3cc Karo Syrup, Honey, or Sugar Water/5 pounds body weight.
Keep Warm.
Limit Exercise.
Have examined by veterinarian to insure there are no other causes.
All newly arrived puppies, especially toy breeds, should have honey, light Karo Syrup daily.
Feed high quality puppy/kitten foods.
Monitor food intake to be sure consuming enough food to meet normal body.
• Monitor pets with vomiting and/or diarrhea very closely.
• Notify the Veterinarian if you see any of the following signs:
• Seizures persist or become more severe.
• Seizures in the absence of exercise or stress.
• Your pet drinks more water or urinates more frequently.
• Your pet begins to lose weight.