A simple blood test has been developed which allows us to test
This may either totally eliminate the allergic signs that are present, or at least decrease those signs to a level more tolerable to your pet. This usually greatly reduces the need for steroid-type medications used to control the signs. These drugs, when used at high levels for extended periods of time, can certainly have detrimental long-term effects on
The basic principle of desensitization (hyposensitization) is to inject small amounts of the substances known to cause the allergic signs in increasing concentrations and at regular intervals in an effort to induce a tolerance of these substances by the pets body.
Avoidance of offending allergens is often impractical, if not impossible. Prolonged medication with steroids and/or antihistamines may become either ineffective or detrimental to
Although hyposensitization does not provide a cure for allergy. It does produce improvement in 75% of the pets treated.
Over a period of weeks the dosage is gradually increased, but the frequency of injection is decreased.
The initial treatment program for those pets whose test shows a good possibility of successful therapy, an initial treatment consists of a 3 vial set, which is sufficient for about nine months. If
REMEMBER– the hyposensitization procedure will not cure
Occasional allergy treatment may be required when acute flare-ups occur. The goal of hyposensitization is to decrease this number of acute attacks to the minimum possible. Hypo sensitization for food allergy is not highly successful and therefore not recommended.
You will be given special instructions and taught to properly give the injections. It is very simple – very similar to the procedure followed by humans with diabetes. The needle used for injection is very small and usually not even felt by the pet.